<aside> 💡 Register on our specific ETH India hacker dashboard to participate in the Powerloom network as snapshotters and get API key with higher rate limits https://docs.powerloom.io



Powerloom Protocol is a decentralized data protocol designed to address the increasing data demands of smart contract-based applications, including DeFi, games, and other user-centric platforms. It incentivizes participating peers to achieve consensus on state transitions and event emissions across multiple smart contracts.

By utilizing data compositions on smaller, consensus-reached data units, Powerloom serves as a peer-validated and accurate information source, enabling rich data applications such as dashboards, bots, aggregators, and insights trackers.


Hacking Tracks and Project Ideas

Participants can choose from two tracks to build on:

Track 1: Build on Powerloom

For advanced developers seeking a challenge with higher chances of winning the "Overall Best Project” prize.

Developers need to utilize the snapshotter node and write computes similar to this example to qualify for the prize. The hacker building the best use case wins!

Projects can range from tracking simple contract events to building complex use cases like Uniswapv2 or Aave dashboards using Powerloom. Refer to the build on Powerloom section of our docs to understand how it works and get started.

The for Contributors section of our docs provides a nice introduction to running your snapshotter nodes, or you can directly head over to the deploy repo to get started.

Note: Before starting, register on the ETH India hacker dashboard and submit your snapshotter wallet address.

Getting Started

Clone snapshotter-computes and snapshotter-configs to begin building your use cases.

Winners will be selected based on:

Bonus Points: Build a dashboard for the use case you’ve created.